
Welcome To likeetube App

likeetube is a tool where you can download likee videos without watermark , to your local storage and use them


This document covers the installation and use of this app from A to Z, read this document thoroughly if you are experiencing any difficulties. If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of this document, please contact us we happy to answer them.



List of features included in likeetube App

    ● AdMob support (banner, reward ads, Interstitial Ads )

    ● Clean User Interface

    ● Fast Downloader

    ● Easy customizations

    ● Optimized performance

    ● Clean and Optimized code


  1. After unzipping the download pack, you will find a Project Folder with all the files.
  3. Now you need to install flutter in your Pc/Mac/Linux Follow this Link.
  5. Next step You can edit apps with Flutter using any text editor combined with command-line tools. However, we recommend using one of the recommended editor and plugins for an even better experience. These plugins offer you code completion, syntax highlighting, widget editing assists, run & debug support and Follow this Link to add an editor plugin for Android Studio, IntelliJ, or VS Code.

App Pages


Permission Page

likeetube Permission Page

show during the first time opening the app to request Storage permission or when permission revoked


Main Page

likeetube main page
likeetube main page
likeetube main page

the main page, where to download videos and preview theme


Library Page

likeetube library

include previously downloaded videos to explore and share


Video Player Page

likeetube video player

Video player page to play videos from the library


Theme Guide and App config


Customize the App


1.Open file on this path lib/config/config.dart


2.Make sure to have correct formatting of the json file when editing or addding new values

3.After changing any value on the file make sure to save it and rebuild your application .

4.Some fields on the json file need specific inputs or a specific type of data .

    appTitle : String value represents App Title you choose for the App

    smallDescription : String value represents a Small description of the app functionality

    mainColor : A Color value represents the main color of the App , add your hex color after "0xff" like the one showing in the image .

    backgroundColor : A Color value represents the background color of the App, add your hex color after "0xff"

    cardColor : A Color value represents the Cards color on the main page and Library, add your hex color after "0xff"

    textColor :A Color value represents the text color on all the app, add your hex color after "0xff" like the one showing in the image.

    admobAppID : String value of Admob App Id you got from setuping Admob App

    admobBannerId : String value of Admob banner id

    admobRewardId : String value of Admob RewardAd id

    admobInterstitialAdId : String value of Admob interstitialAd id

    rewardAdPercentage : Int value for Percentage of Reward ad to show

    interstitialAdPercentage : Int value for Percentage of nterstitial Ad to show

4.Change Cover Image

repclace cover.jpg with image of your choice just keep it same name and need to be jpg and have same aspect ratio

App name & Package name



For editing app title thats show in the android launchers please follow this steps



1.Open pubspec.yaml in your project folder and scroll until you will find this :

2.Replace likeetube with the title you want and run this in your terminal flutter pub run flutter_launcher_name:main


Change Package name

Change App Package Name with single command. It makes the process very easy and fast.


Open your terminal and run this command flutter pub run change_app_package_name:main com.new.package.name com.new.package.name is the custom package name you wanna set

Admob Setup


We are using Native Admob ads so here how you can setup it on the app :

  1. You need to have Firebase and Admob Account using the same Google account

  2. assuming you create the firebase and AdMob account click the link to create new Firebase Project link

  3. Now follow these steps :
    1. Create new Firebase Project

    2. set the project name (something related to app title)

    3. after setting the project name click continue

    4. select default account if you have multiple and click "create project"

    5. after creating the project page will appear like the one bellow click android icon

    6. add your package name to the field make sure is correct or else it's not gonna work the others are optional

    7. the download button should appear click it

    8. go to this path : likeetube/android/app and paste google-services.json file previously downloaded

  4. after we have done from the firebase part lets move to Admob
    1. now we need to create Admob app, first, make sure the account you used with firebase is the one you using

    2. Select Android

    3. Make sure Android is selected and give your app name

    4. now we created Admob App copy the id paste to the value of admobAppID in the config

    5. Create 3 AdMob units (Banner, Interstitial, Rewarded) keep them with the defaults settings when you create each unit you will get thats unit id thats whats we going to use to implement AdMob on the app

    6. in Customize the App section where is admobBannerId admobRewardId admobInterstitialAdId is where your replace them with your Units Ids

    7. go to likeetube/android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml and replace the highlighted id with admob app id we got before from Admob dashboard

    8. note thats the Ads may take while to appear on the app



Launcher Icons

For changing Launcher icon we use a command-line tool to help with thats Until not have to edit any internal files in the android directory, you simply Have to provide icon.png file to the folder with 512*512 dimensions and the tool Will take care of the rest



1.Go to this path likeetube/assets/images/icon


2.Add your icon here need to have this filename icon.png and the dimensions mentioned above


3.And run this command in your terminal flutter pub run flutter_launcher_icons:main


If you have this problem go to your pubspec.yaml file


for ANDROID STUDIO run Packages Upgrade like this

and repeat this command in the terminal flutter pub run flutter_launcher_icons:main

for VS Code Press Ctrl+S in pubspec.yaml file

and repeat this command in the terminal flutter pub run flutter_launcher_icons:main


Flutter Native Splash

For changing the splash screen we same as before command-line tool to thats And config file to configure it, this easy to set up without doing any complicated Configurations simply add the png file to the folder with the exact name as showing in The image, and for the color open this file flutter_native_splash.yaml and set the color you want in the color section and save



1.Go to this path likeetube/assets/images/splash

2.Add your Splash image here need to have this filename splash.png and the dimensions of 512*512


3.After you change your icon adjust the background color of the splash screen in this section in pubspec.yaml and save it keep in mind thats the color format is hex color so any hex color should work


4.And run this command in your terminal flutter pub pub run flutter_native_splash:create

If you have this problem go to your pubspec.yaml file


for ANDROID STUSIO run Packages Upgrade like this

and repeat this command in the terminal flutter pub pub run flutter_native_splash:create

for VS Code Press Ctrl+S in pubspec.yaml file

and repeat this command in the terminal flutter pub pub run flutter_native_splash:create


Helpful resources

How to Connect your phone with adb in vs Code , check this link

How to Create Android emulator in VS Code, check this link

How to Install Flutter in Windows link